Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sister, sister.

It is hard to believe, that today my baby sister turns 26. I can still picture her as a little girl in the back of our duster buster mini-van, wearing Umbro shorts signing with her fake microphone. Where did the time go?

While we were on vacation one year, Meghan was following me around doing everything I was doing. It boggled my mind, and started to get under my skin. On our way home we stopped at a “Holidome” to rest for the night. That evening I recall having so much fun with Meghan. Helping her in the pool (with matching swim suits) and teaching her new tricks. My Mom said to me “Mandi, your sister admires you and wants to be just like her older sister.”

Fast forward 7 years, the van is packed and I’m leaving for my freshman year at Anderson University. As I was getting into the van, I found a note from my sister. I read it and cried the entire way to. It hit me that I would not be there for the everyday life of my siblings. I soon realized when my four years were done Matt would be graduating from high school and Meghan a Junior.

I watched the younger/older sister relationship with my girlfriends at school, and I wanted to be the best older sister I could for Meghan. It dawned on me, Meghan and I had a special bond that goes beyond being a sister.

Today, I can say Meghan is not my younger sister, she is my best friend. I now look up to Meghan and the amazing lady she has become. She has a heart that loves everyone, she is genuine in her relationships, and is beautiful inside and out. I feel blessed to call her my sister and best friend.

Happy Birthday, SHISSY!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Aww that is so sweet! It is funny the older you get how much your siblings start to mean to you! My brother and I used to hate each other but now when he is in town we always spend a ton of time together and he actually is ok with us visiting him and his wife!