Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Papa

Dear Papa,

Oh, how I have missed you my sweet Grandfather. I miss your whit, your sense of humor and your unique zest for life. I miss you calling after every single Colts game, checking to see if it was Kalow and I you saw in the crowd. I miss chatting with you about how wonderful it is to be a Democrat and how crazy the Republicans party can be. I miss watching you tease Nana to no end, and especially when you would give her a little love tap or pinch on the booty. Until the day you left us, I saw how smitten and in love you two were. Thank you for always showing us true unconditional love.

It goes with out saying, that you impacted each person you came in contact with. You should have seen all the people that came to celebrate your life. High school basketball players, young families, friends from church, and the largest group of family members imaginable.

Next weekend, were heading to Brown County to stay in a cabin as a family and to celebrate your life. In honor of you we will watch some basketball, eat some chocolate, read a little and enjoy the wilderness. I’m sure we will all share our stories about you that we love. From: “Pastor that was Hell of a good Sermon” to “Piss on Peace” to those precious moments we all cherish as your grandchildren.

Two years ago when you left us to go on to heaven, I was not sure what my world would be like with out you. Today, I can say that my life has forever been enriched and molded by you. You’re forever in my heart.

I love you,


Mandi Jo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very sweet entry. I always envied the relationship you had with your grandfather. So sweet.
Miss ya girl!