Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here we go....round 2.

Recently my husband, commonly referred to as Mr. Huff, brought to my attention I use two words in excess. Literally and obsessed.

With that being said, I decided to revamp my blog and spice things up. Watch out. My bi-yearly posts were just not cutting it anymore. I mean, really…who wants to hear about “My Life”. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is fantastic but why bore you with the lame details, right? So, now what do I do with this blog?

I have made the executive decision, that’s right kids I’m the CEO around here, to blog about the things in life I can not believe I have found. The new things I have literally become obsessed with. Don’t be surprised if those things include gluten free finds, new fashion finds or my ever favorite “products.”

I sure hope you enjoy my ramblings, and of course if you would like me to try something out to blog about, I’m all yours.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet, I've added you to my stalking blogroll.
You can read mine at:

Meanwhile, blogging is fun because you can write about what interests you and not give a damn if other people don't like it. Well, that is how I roll at least. :) I'll email you the password to the private entries.