Today marks a month of being gluten free. I will not say this has been the easiest thing to tackle, but I will say I'm managing. I have an amazing support system. My fiance, Kalow, has been more than willing to help me in finding food I can eat and adjusting to my new ways of grocery shopping. In all actuality he is in enjoying having meat and veggies for dinner on a regular basis! He has done his own research to find out more about the disease and what it entails on every day. Family has been amazing as well. My brother is actually attempting to go gluten free as well.
This past weekend, I went to Chicago to have a girls weekend with my best friends from college. It was such a great weekend. However, I ate something Friday night that gave me a TRUE reaction. Everything Kimberly had prepared I was comfortable eating. I checked the labels and made sure all ingredients checked out. SICK JOKE! Sara was amazing in helping me out in middle of the night charade to the ladies room. Thank you Sara for helping a sister out. Upon waking up in the morning, I knew we would not get to start our day as soon as planned. The girls took it in stride, and we left when we left - no questions asked. We ate lunch at a little Irish pub and our waitress was very kind in asking the chef about a particular item on the menu, I opted for a salad. After spending the day in the city, we had dinner and I was able to indulge in a crust-less pizza! A GLUTEN FREE GIRLS DREAM! Despite the reaction I had, this was a great weekend. Learning to live with it, and getting along great!